From The Blog.

Journeys Counseling Center Journeys Counseling Center

Integrating Physical and Mental Health to Enhance Your Well-Being

Explore the powerful connection between physical and mental health. Learn how integrating exercise, diet, sleep, and holistic strategies can improve mental well-being and reduce stress. Discover how therapists support this mind-body connection for better overall health outcomes.

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Journeys Counseling Center Journeys Counseling Center

What Am I Feeling? A Guide to Identifying Emotions

Discover how to identify and understand your emotions with our practical guide. This guide offers steps to help you recognize your emotions, determine their intensity, and address your needs. Start building deeper connections with yourself and others through enhanced emotional awareness.

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Journeys Counseling Center Journeys Counseling Center

What Are Boundaries?

What are boundaries and how can they improve your relationships? Understand the different types of boundaries, learn how to set them, and discover the benefits of maintaining healthy limits in various aspects of life.

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Stephanie Otte Stephanie Otte

Setting Goals in Therapy

Setting goals in therapy can make your journey more effective and empowering. This blog post covers the importance of goal setting, types of therapy goals, and tips for creating goals that fit you. Whether you aim to reduce symptoms, improve relationships, or achieve personal growth, learn how to make the most of your therapy sessions.

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Journeys Counseling Center Journeys Counseling Center

Understanding Anger as a Secondary Emotion

Explore the complexity of anger as a secondary emotion and learn effective coping strategies. Discover how therapy can help manage anger issues and promote healthy emotional processing.

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Journeys Counseling Center Journeys Counseling Center

My Friend Anger

Anger is often seen as a harmful emotion, but it can actually protect and motivate us when understood correctly. Learn about anger's purpose and how to express it healthily.

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Journeys Counseling Center Journeys Counseling Center

Emotional Neglect: Signs, Impact, and Healing

Emotional neglect can deeply impact our lives, relationships, and self-esteem. This blog post explores the signs of emotional neglect, its effects from childhood to adulthood, and provides practical steps for healing and overcoming emotional neglect. Discover how to recognize emotional neglect and begin your journey towards emotional recovery.

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Journeys Counseling Center Journeys Counseling Center

Parental Involvement in Therapy with Minors

Discover the crucial role of parent involvement in therapy for minors and how it can improve therapy outcomes. Learn effective strategies for supporting your teen in therapy, maintaining healthy boundaries, and building a strong partnership with their therapist. Explore the benefits of active parental involvement and how it fosters better communication and emotional well-being for your child.

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Journeys Counseling Center Journeys Counseling Center

Overcoming Perfectionism

Perfectionism can be a relentless Inner Critic, driving us to unattainable standards and causing stress and anxiety. Discover effective strategies to manage and overcome perfectionism, understand its causes, and find out how perfectionism therapy and support can help you live more authentically.

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Stephanie Otte Stephanie Otte

Overcoming Negative Core Beliefs

Life's challenges are inevitable, but how we navigate them is often influenced by our perception of ourselves. Our self-view, shaped by core beliefs, can either empower us or hold us back.

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Roxane Thorstad Roxane Thorstad

Common Partner Betrayal Symptoms

Many people call for an appointment after discovering that their partner has had an emotional or physical affair. Sometimes individuals want support for their own mental health. Other times, couples are wondering how they heal together. In either case, knowing the common symptoms of partner betrayal can be helpful. 

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Roxane Thorstad Roxane Thorstad

Does Marriage Counseling Really Work?

Does marriage counseling really work? Many couples have some reservations about going to couples counseling. Here are some common myths and misconceptions about couples counseling.

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Roxane Thorstad Roxane Thorstad

The Good Old Days - Or Are They?

In couples work, it is important to know your story and what type of foundation you built your relationship on. How couples can utilize the strengths of their early relationship or decide to build something entirely new.

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Grant Pooley Grant Pooley

What is Trauma?

What is trauma and how can you know if it is something you have gone through?

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Roxane Thorstad Roxane Thorstad

Emotional Connection: The Key to Healthy Relationships

It can be hard to maintain emotional connection over the years with your romantic partner since conflict, circumstances, and general life stressors can cause a disruption. One way of understanding emotional connection is that it is how two people deeply understand, value, and care for one another. It is about being emotionally present and attuning to your partner.

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