Frequently Asked Questions
Our team offers a range of fees depending on the therapist’s level of training and experience ranging from $75- $190 per session. Some of our interns are able to offer fees similar to an average copay, making their services more affordable for clients in need or with special circumstances. Our groups and educational seminars range from $60-185 per session or class.
We request payments be made in full at the time of service. We accept cash, checks payable to ‘Journeys Counseling Center’ as well as all major credit cards including Visa, American Express, Master Card, and Discover. We do not accept payment directly from insurance providers.
Journeys Counseling Center does not bill insurance for a number of reasons. We generally find that involving a third party in your care limits our ability to make appropriate recommendations and takes time away from our dedicated service to you. Another potential downfall of billing insurance is that a mental health diagnosis can follow you for many years.
We are considered an ‘out of network provider’ and are happy to provide you with a statement of service. If the service qualifies for reimbursement through your insurance and you have out of network benefits, you may submit this statement yourself and receive reimbursement directly from your insurance company.
We truly understand that navigating insurance can be overwhelming, so we are happy to provide an Insurance Help document to empower you to get the most out of your benefits in the easiest way possible.
Psychologists have a doctorate in psychology and are licensed by the state board of psychologist examiners. They have been trained extensively in clinical assessment (psychological testing & diagnosis) and various types of therapy. Psychologist training programs generally consist of four to five years of graduate work, a full year of internship, and another year of post-doctoral training. Psychologists do not typically have prescription privileges. Some psychologists focus on clinical work while others are involved in academia as professors and researchers. Clinical psychologists often have training in individual, couples, and family therapy. Depending on experience and training, psychologists often specialize in different areas.
Psychiatrists are medical doctors who have specialized in mental health care. Their training includes medical school and residency, which typically involves six to eight years post-bachelors training. They are especially trained to diagnose and treat mental health disorders with medications. Some psychiatrists also have training in psychotherapy but many others focus exclusively on medication management.
In the state of Arizona, there are many types of counselors. Counselors have a master’s degree in counseling, marriage and family therapy, or social work. This involves two to three years of post-bachelors education, including a community-based internship. The Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners governs licenses for professional counselors, marriage and family therapists, substance abuse counselors, and social workers. Associate Counselors have a master’s degree and are licensed to practice therapy but are still under clinical supervision for at least two years. As a client, you have the right to know who is supervising an associate’s cases. Fully licensed counselors can provide therapy independently and have completed at least two years of post-graduate clinical supervision. They offer a range of services, including individual, family, and couples therapy. Counselors often specialize in different areas, so it is important to choose a therapist based on your particular needs.
The Journeys team is committed to your health and well-being. With a wide array of mental health experience, we are uniquely suited to advocate for you, whether that is referring you to various community agencies, creating a treatment plan that works toward your goals, or suggesting alternatives to traditional individual therapy models.
We are highly selective regarding our team and want to provide you the best experience possible. We are aware that many people have negative experiences when they seek mental health services and we strive to diminish that possibility.