From The Blog.

Journeys Counseling Center Journeys Counseling Center

Understanding Body Sensations: A Guide to Somatic Vocabulary and Emotional Awareness

Explore the essential guide to understanding and describing body sensations to enhance emotional awareness and well-being. Learn about somatic vocabulary, practical tips for mindfulness, and how to articulate physical sensations linked to emotional states. This comprehensive post offers a list of sensation words, advice for both adults and children, and techniques to improve your connection with your body’s signals. Discover how interpreting body sensations can lead to better emotional health and clarity.

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Journeys Counseling Center Journeys Counseling Center

Integrating Physical and Mental Health to Enhance Your Well-Being

Explore the powerful connection between physical and mental health. Learn how integrating exercise, diet, sleep, and holistic strategies can improve mental well-being and reduce stress. Discover how therapists support this mind-body connection for better overall health outcomes.

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Journeys Counseling Center Journeys Counseling Center

What Am I Feeling? A Guide to Identifying Emotions

Discover how to identify and understand your emotions with our practical guide. This guide offers steps to help you recognize your emotions, determine their intensity, and address your needs. Start building deeper connections with yourself and others through enhanced emotional awareness.

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