Teen Anxiety


Many teens experience temporary or ongoing fears during periods of their adolescents. It isn’t uncommon for parents to try a variety of methods to help their children manage anxiety. But sometimes they still feel stuck.  Helping teens acknowledge these challenges early on can prevent future problems from occurring. Addressing the issue can also help your teen gain a sense of mastery over his or her fears.


  • Does your teen experience regular fears about failing or making mistakes?

  • Does the excessive worrying about seemingly minor situations characterize your teen?

  • Is your teen repeatedly obsessing about the same fears?

  • Is your teen dealing with fears connected to school, peer relationships, or social situations?

  • Do fears arise for your teen when there are changes in their routine or their experiences unstructured time?

  • Is your teen highly sensitive or preoccupied with what others think about them?

  • Is your teen often stressed and overwhelmed? Do they struggle with enjoying life and just being a kid?

The Journeys Team is Here to Help

The trained professionals at Journeys can work with your teen to empower them and help them better understand the contributing factors to their anxiety. This process may include highlighting thinking patterns connected to the anxiety and teaching them ways to identify early signs of stress and anxiety in the body.  We give them tools for relaxation and stress management, assisting in an increased sense of internal safety and security, improving problem solving skills, and empowering them toward a more confident view of themselves.

We also use a variety of ways to connect with teens through music, art, talking, journaling, and other forms of healthy self-expression.  Our therapists work to partner with each client to collaboratively craft a plan to identify the issues, learn to express feelings in healthy ways, and establish coping skills. This process is unique to each individual client, but when appropriate and beneficial, Journeys therapists may work with other members of the family in conjunction with the teen’s treatment.


“Could my teens anxiety be just a normal phase that they will outgrow?”

If what your child is currently experiencing is causing you concern, it may be beneficial to intervene as early as possible. Ongoing anxiety can lead to reinforced patterns of thoughts and behaviors that could impact future areas of the teen’s life. Consulting with a professional at Journeys may provide an additional perspective on your teen’s current struggles and behaviors.

We generally recommend scheduling an initial assessment with a skilled Journeys counselor to evaluate what your teen or family’s specific needs are, as well as determining the best options for treatment and receive more precise answers to the questions you may have about the entire process. The Journeys team strives to provide you with the best fit professionally, and will happily direct you to the counselor with the best personality, expertise and approach for your teen and family.


We generally recommend scheduling a specialized assessment with a trusted Journeys counselor to evaluate what your specific needs are, as well as determining best the options for treatment and more precise answers to the questions you may have about the process. The Journeys team strives to provide you with the best fit professionally, and will happily direct you to the counselor with the best personality, expertise and approach for your family.

Check out our team to connect with a therapist that’s right for your situation or contact our client coordinator with any questions, concerns or to be matched with a therapist that is best suited for you and your family’s needs.

Elise Barnes

Hello there! My name's Elise and I’m a Freelance Website Designer & Developer based in New Jersey, right outside of NYC. I specialize in building stunning, modern, and mobile-responsive Squarespace websites for all types of brands and businesses.


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